Championship of Ukraine
Together Again
The Ukrainian Championship this season will be a real challenge for Phoenix. And it's not even that ...
Our news
Danylo Boldyzhev Summoned to the Youth National Team
Danylo Boldyzhev represents our team with U17 Youth Ukraine National Team training session. Ihor Mos...
More details2006
Phoenix' away games
Out of Play
It seemed to be a long-forgotten memory. Fragmentary reflections from the distant past...We have lon...
More details2006
Khmelnytskiy Championship
Phoenix in the Semifinals of the First Military Championship of Khmelnytskyi
With the lessons learned from the previous two disastrous matches of the First Military Minifootball...
More details2006
Khmelnytskiy Championship
With Thoughts about Kharkiv
Phoenix approached the match with one of the leaders of the group with a particularly determined att...
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Khmelnytskiy Championship
First Adrenaline. First defeat
Having lost its match in the second round of the First Mini-Football Military Championship of Khmeln...
More details2006
Phoenix: Raising Heroes
The film with this name was created by British journalists Janet Barrie and Velislav Radev, who visi...